Look of the Week - 8
Designer / tonychestnut
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
It's no secret that I LOVE to layer. Right now, where I live (the Canadian prairies), we're in a total sartorial magic zone where you can layer up as much as you'd like, but still keep your ankles bare. It rules. especially because winterrrrrrrr is coming (where you wouldn't DARE bare an ankle). Here I'm wearing my STATE dotted Casa Dress, an equally simple and bold piece. I love the lines of this dress so very much... it's the perfect dress to pop a boxy vest or jacket over top of. Which leads me to a sort of funny story about this vest...
I ordered this vintage quilted vest online because it reminded me of the removable jacket liner that my grandpa used to wear when he was working around his yard. It arrived in the mail one morning when i was very pregnant with my second son, and I promptly put together a super rad outfit revolving around the vest. I honestly felt cooler than I had in the last 9 months. I felt so great about my look that I was in denial that the "semi-consistent-fairly-painful" cramps that I was experiencing might actually be reason enough to change my outfit and go to the hospital. Moe was born a few hours later.
And, whenever possible, I will wear a white collar under whatever I'm wearing. I like mixing in some preppy-little-boy vibes with most outfits.
Since shaving my head, I've really embraced big earrings. These particular ones are made by my friend Corey Moranis. My glasses are from the raddest glasses shop in town, owned by a couple of the raddest women on earth. The shop is called G is for Glasses. I'm wearing a giant white ring by Shop Sara Clark, and the friendship bracelet from the newest Secret Catalog :) My handmade clogs are vintage. My bright blue bag is made by another Canadian designer called Hoi bo, and it's actually made of a heavy weight paper. it's indestructable! I haul it everywhere.