The Secret Catalog III
There are few things I love more than curating the Secret Catalog. It’s a project that is dear to my heart and it’s a total thrill putting it all together. This year will be the third catalog, and it’s by far the biggest and best.
For those of you who are just now joining us, allow me to give you some backstory...
A few years ago, while living in NYC, I was meeting the most incredible designers and makers. I was so inspired by my new friends, I wanted a way to collaborate with them all. (I’m a huge fan of collaboration and always say ‘normal people hang out, creative people collaborate’ - it’s true, it’s how I have made all of my adult friends!) So, I knew a huge project was needed.
Meet: the Secret Catalog. A mail order print catalog that features limited edition goods by my favorite brands.
The goals of the catalog are threefold:
- To create a project that inspires the participants. Each year I use the catalog as an excuse to make work totally outside my box. Things that scare me, things that thrill me, and things that are very unlike anything else I make for STATE. And I love giving the other designers the same freedom – make something new, surprise yourself, go nuts!
- I adore making something special for YOU. We all spend so much time mindlessly scrolling through feeds, look books, online stores, we forget what we’re looking at. The catalog is intended to make you excited and present. To hold something in your hand, and to truly connect with what you’re seeing.
- As the #1 fan of Snail Mail, and huge supporter of the Post Office, I get giddy at the thought of sending excellent mail. The catalog –with all of its extra surprises and treats– is a supreme mail-opening-experience. I love imagining people everywhere waiting for it to arrive and then finally ripping open the envelopes. It’s such a treat for me, and I hope it’s a treat for you too!
So, after taking last year off to have Edla, I’m back this year with gusto. The Secret Catalog III is twice the length of the previous catalogs and has 3 times the designers: 21 total! We’re so excited to have some of our favorite brands – Ace & Jig, Gamma Folk, Camellia Fiber Co, Proud Mary – mixed in with some super special new brands and makers that you’re going to be happy to know about! It’s a gorgeous group and I’m beside myself curating the shop.
Ace & Jig
Adrienne Antonson / STATE
August Lohr
Becca Barnet
Beth Coiner
Camellia Fiber Co.
Caroline Kaufman
Gamma Folk
Han Starnes
Hillery Sproatt
Maria Renna
Michelle Kohanzo
Nettie Kent
Pop Craft + Pattern Faantastique
Proud Mary
Shelter Protects You
Study NY
Thomas Chamberlain
We’re working with two insanely talented photographers and shooting in magical and rural southern locations. I promise you, it’s going to be drrreeeamy and just the eye candy you want this summer.
You definitely don’t want to miss this year’s catalog!
Visit the site and sign up for our mailing list. The catalog pre-sales start mid-May, and they'll mail out in June.
(images from Catalog II, with the exception of the painted fabric which we're making into dresses for this year's collection)